Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Top 10 Health Breakthroughs

This year marks a major turning point in the theory of wellness and the prevention of disease. The drug-based paradigm of Western medicine is crumbling under the weight of its own massive fraud. New technology is proving how nutrients interact at the fundamental gene level to promote health and prevent disease. The discoveries are occurring at a breakneck pace - these are exciting times.
In the face of an obesity epidemic and the early onset of the diseases of aging in even young Americans, there shines a bright ray of hope. It is there for anyone who chooses to inform themselves and then take effective actions to better themselves. The aging clock can be slowed - and in many cases reversed. It is the dawn of a new era.
The following is a list of the Top 10 health breakthroughs of 2008. I know there are many other possible candidates for this Top 10 list. This is my version of the highlights that made 2008 special.
#10 - The Mayo Clinic Places One Foot in the Door of the Real World
Miracles never cease and it appears that the Mayo Clinic is trying to enter the 21st century with at least a finger on the nutritional pulse of reality. In May they put out a press release stating that "Thousands of research studies have documented how the oils known as omega-3 fatty acids can benefit the cardiovascular system, particularly among people diagnosed with coronary artery disease...The most compelling evidence for the cardiovascular benefit provided by omega-3 fatty acids comes from three large controlled trials of 32,000 participants randomized to receive omega-3 fatty acid supplements containing DHA and EPA....These trials showed reductions in cardiovascular events of 19 percent to 45 percent. Overall, these findings suggest that intake of omega-3 fatty acids, whether from dietary sources or fish oil supplements, should be increased, especially in those with or at risk for coronary artery disease."
The breakthrough is not that fish oils prevent and treat heart disease; we've known that for years. The breakthrough is that the vitamin-and-alternative-health-hating Mayo Clinic is telling the world to take fish oil supplements to prevent heart disease. That signifies the initial stages of a paradigm shift of magnitude.
#9 - Bone Health Is One Key to Longevity
Bones can no longer be thought of only in terms of fracture risk and osteoporosis. Bones are constantly giving birth to new cells and these cells play vital roles in metabolism and immunity. For example, when bone cells get inflamed not only does this promote excess bone loss it directly causes fat cells to multiply in white adipose tissue - which clearly explains why women gain weight after menopause as well as the key to stopping the problem.
The highlight study of the year was a detailed gene analysis performed on one of the world's healthiest older men (he was 113 at the time, recently passing away at 114). Researchers expected to find genetic advantages enabling him to live a long life. Much to their surprise, he didn't have any "better genes" at all - he had better bones! And the reason he had better bones was because he ate a diet containing fresh fruit and vegetables (bone anti-inflammatory nutrients) and stayed very active (stimulating bone health).
Needless to say, the disastrous bone drugs were not part of his plan.
#8 - Grape Seed Extracts Stop Alzheimer's Plaque
This year's research showed that "normal" brain aging is quite an abnormal process; with the loss of mental capability, intelligence, and memory directly relating to how many plaque-like brain tangles occur. At the far end of the spectrum is Alzheimer's disease - a problem with brain plaque overwhelming healthy brain function. However, there are a thousand shades of grey on the way to this problem, and each step in the wrong direction is marked by ever-increasing levels of brain plaque.
Red grape seed extracts showed that they could stop brain plaque from forming. The new research showed that brain cells must first be punched in the nose by some form of stress, get inflamed, and then begin to express certain genes that promote plaque formation. Red grape seed extracts simply stop this process from occurring. Not only that, they are powerful protection for the lining of your arteries - helping to stop plaque formation there as well.
#7 - Vitamin D for Anything and Everything
A major question during 2008 was: "Is there anything that vitamin D does not help?" Vitamin D's role in bone metabolism is well known. Its role as a hormone is less well known but very important. As a bewildering array of breaking science now shows, vitamin D is a gene-regulating super nutrient. It is vital for efficient immune function, prevention of autoimmune problems, healthy metabolism, proper thyroid function, prevention of type I and type II diabetes, prevention of heart disease, cancer prevention, and improved nervous system health and mood.
The sunshine vitamin is indeed a wonder nutrient. The American Cancer Society sits around with major mud on its face, doing everything in its power to prevent people from getting vitamin D - a problem made worse in the winter months when none is available for most of the U.S. And as usual, our bumbling government won't let all Americans know that they need 1200 IU to 2000 IU of vitamin D per day, especially in the winter, to help prevent major health problems.
#6 - Resveratrol Turns Back the Clock
An explosion in resveratrol science hit the front pages of the news around the world, as Big Pharma spent millions trying to make resveratrol drugs. The Big Pharma spending is interesting for several reasons:
1) Just imagine how much we could learn if our government would spend money studying all major nutrients in widespread use.
2) The resveratrol nutrient that is already on the market will end up working better than any drug made.
Resveratrol activates a gene called SIRT1, which has a profound disease prevention and anti-aging effect. SIRT1 is normally activated by calorie restriction in times of famine. However, in today's world of excess food consumption it will be a major tool to prevent and treat the coming obesity epidemic and all its health complications.
It is already clear that the supplement works best when you are on a good diet, as too much food simply turns off SIRT1. Its value during a diet is that it helps your muscles work better on fewer calories so that you can actually loose weight while feeling great.
Even if you aren't overweight, the other main point is that resveratrol will help you live longer - a fact born out by the lifespan in various regions of France that have the highest content of resveratrol in their red wine.
#5 - The Digestive Genome Marks the New Frontier of Health
The mapping of the human genome was a monumental accomplishment that has yielded unexpected information. As scientists began to unravel the mysteries of how the human genome is controlled, they quickly found that many of the signals controlling health were coming from the foreign contents within your digestive tract. Like the space race to the moon, the new health frontier is now the genomes of the trillions of foreign cells that comprise your digestive tract.
A treasure trove of information has already been uncovered. Many of these foreign cells are vital to health and have both a friendly and unfriendly role depending on which of their genes are turned on. A case in point is H.pylori and Candida albicans, both of which are considered unfriendly and both of which are normal inhabitants of your digestive tract and need to be in a friendly condition for optimal digestive health and the prevention of digestive disease. In fact, your personal "foreign cell signature" directly influences your own immune tissue to form along the lining of your digestive tract. It also plays a large role in how much inflammation you experience elsewhere in your body - including your joints and back. Friendly flora is vital to maintaining a state of balance that promotes health.
Decades of damage from the overuse of antibiotics, high sugar diets, junk food, chemicals in the diet, pesticides in the diet, genetically modified toxic food, and excess alcohol can finally be seen for the disease-producers they really are. It will be a long time before your doctor gives you any meaningful advice on this subject, since their profession has helped create an epidemic of poor digestive health that in the light of this emerging science is proving to be a major contributing factor to multiple diseases - not just digestive-related problems.
#4 - The Changing World of Fat, Cholesterol, and Heart Disease
Those basing health decisions on cholesterol numbers and concepts of good and bad cholesterol have been left in the Stone-Age dust. HDL, or "good" cholesterol, can have its proteins oxidized and easily become "bad" just like LDL. Cholesterol itself turns out to be a vital player in the structure of nerve receptors, and its levels are reduced when taking medication to lower numbers of LDL. Cholesterol fitness, like muscle fitness, is the new concept of cholesterol health that supports true cardiovascular health.
A huge breakthrough occurred this year when it was demonstrated for the first time that fat accumulating around the outside of arteries was the key signal of impending cardiovascular disease. This fat, which builds up in direct proportion to your waistline expanding, was previously thought to be part of the structure of arteries and not play a functional role. New scientific tools have shown that it accumulates in excess, recruits inflammatory immune cells to live in its newly expanded neighborhood, and they generate inflammation into the arteries that knocks out friendly nitric oxide causing blood pressure to rise and simultaneously generates massive free radical damage that injures LDL and HDL cholesterol and sets the plaquing process in motion.
This is made worse if blood levels of triglycerides stay high during the day - which is caused by eating meals that are too large, snacking between meals, and not exercising.
#3 - How Much BDNF is In Your Bank Account?
Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) may well be the molecule of the year. BDNF is key to keeping your nerve cells alive and stimulating the growth of new nerve cells. Since your nerve cells are important for regulating everything else, keeping them in top working condition not only means that your mind will stay sharp it means you are likely to live longer and healthier.
This year scientists proved the immense value of having adequate BDNF for virtually any issue of nerve and brain related health. If your supplies run low then you cannot tolerate stress properly, you are more likely to be or become depressed, your brain is prone to excess inflammation, and you are set on a path of decline. Conversely, having adequate BDNF helps you keep up with the demands in your life. It means that you have the potential to keep your mind and nerves in good working condition.
For example, when you have adequate BDNF then old memories don't bother you or come back to haunt you at the most inopportune times. Having adequate BDNF may be a key, along with being a good person, to maintaining healthy relationships.
This year scientists demonstrated that fish oil, blueberries, curcumin, and pantethine all help boost the production of BDNF.
#2 - Run for Your Life
Running is now proven to be the single activity with the most bang for the longevity buck. Early in the year papers emphasized the importance of running in human evolution. It was also found that running is the best exercise to boost levels of BDNF. It was proven that running can rejuvenate your heart and even brisk walking can effectively lower your blood pressure.
The highlight of the year was the result of a 20-year study on running over the age of 50. It found that those who ran cut their risk of premature death in half! No drug can do that.
It also found that runners had less cardiovascular disease, fewer cancer deaths, less cognitive decline, and better immunity - and their joints were in good condition. Running turns on gene signals associated with health - it's that simple. The choice is yours.
#1 - Thyroid Health is for Everyone
A startling array of thyroid-related studies have shown that even a slightly off thyroid sends you down a path of poor health. While thyroid issues are often associated with obesity, thyroid problems affect normal weight and underweight people as well. One of the important points to grasp about the emerging science is that these are not thyroid problems that can be treated with medication - as there is usually adequate thyroid hormone. This information is about thyroid stressors such as common pollution like PCBs, perchlorate in the food supply, excess food consumption, and general emotional stress - to name of few.
This year scientific studies showed a sluggish thyroid system was directly related to increased mortality, fatal heart disease, disturbed heart rhythms, elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, lack of coordination, risk of breast cancer, mood problems, glaucoma, and Alzheimer's risk.
You may wonder why so many issues can be associated with a type of thyroid problem that doctors don't even see as a problem. The answer is that your thyroid system sets the metabolic pace of your body, like the drummer in a band sets the tempo. If that tempo is too sluggish then everything else works less well, which means wear and tear accumulates at a faster rate.
You can fix sluggish thyroid problems by eating a cleaner diet, regular exercise, and using nutrients that facilitate healthy thyroid function - especially by enhancing the conversion of T4 to T3 and by providing adequate thyroid-related antioxidants.
The take home message from this year's thyroid news is that you should do everything possible to keep your entire thyroid system working at an optimal level of health. There is no comfort to be found in being "good for your age." The only thing that really matters is optimal function - which is the foundation for your future health.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Coffee Can Lead to Better Health & Weight Loss

This article is going to reveal the many health benefits of coffee in relation to increased exercise performance and weight loss. These benefits are relatively unknown and little used by the general public. It is now scientifically known that coffee can be a great way to lose extra weight and you will find out how to drink just the right amount for that purpose.
People drink coffee every day, from all nations, but there seems to be conflicting theories about its benefits and usefulness.From the thousands of studies done on coffee, it is becoming increasingly clear, that drinking a moderate amount, of up to 4/5 cups a day is not harmful and does in fact even have many health benefits.
This article will go into detail and use scientific studies to support the claims that coffee can increase your weight loss during exercise and also enable you to keep the activity going for longer than normal. This article is going to address the key questions and dispel some of the popular myths that are present in today's society.
Once you have the facts, you can decide for yourself if coffee is something you want to include in your diet for the benefits it can bring.
Myths about Coffee:
The first thing to cover in this article is to expose some of the myths that people seem to believe about coffee. These myths can keep you from discovering the many advantages to drinking coffee, and how it can help in weight loss and exercise situations.
The first question to cover is...
Is Coffee Harmful?
Drinking coffee is not harmful in moderate amounts, and can actually be beneficial to your health. In a world of negative news, many people in the media present a negative image of drinking coffee; however you should know that a cup of coffee benefits your health. In fact, coffee, is recognized as an important source of fluid in the diet when consumed in moderation.
It is certain that drinking too much can make you feel edgy, nervous and jittery, but you should not go to extremes with any food or drink. If you do drink too much it can raise your blood pressure, but drinks containing caffeine will not result in dehydration if drunk in moderation. Another positive reason to drink coffee is that it will certainly help to focus your attention on the task in hand.
Is Coffee Addictive?
The answer is no.
Drinking coffee has certainly become a habit for a lot of people, and it is known to act as a stimulant, keeping people alert, but this does not classify it as addictive.
In fact, regulatory agencies such as the World Health Organization have stated that, "There is no evidence whatsoever that caffeine use has even remotely comparable physical and social consequences which are associated with serious drugs of abuse."
There is also further evidence to support this claim. A recent study showed caffeine did not act on the brain areas responsible for reward, motivation and addiction in the same way as amphetamines and cocaine, clearly giving a differentiation from such drugs.
Another important fact, which shows it is not addictive, is that, the few side effects with coffee (headaches and lethargy for some people only) do not seem to relate to the amount of coffee drunk on a daily basis.
There used to be a prevailing opinion that caffeine was not good for health, and it would cause cardiovascular diseases, however there is research that now shows it can help prevent things such as Diabetes.One study showed that those who drank at least six cups of regular coffee a day were 22 percent less likely to develop the disease. Research also shows that 3 to 4 cups a day are not going to do any harm.
Can Coffee Cause Heartburn?
There is no evidence that drinking coffee is bad for the stomach or involved in the formation of gastric or duodenal ulcers or causes heartburn. Those who report heartburn after drinking coffee are more likely to be complaining about a recent meal
Coffee and Weight Loss:
A group of Australian researcher found that even a small amount of caffeine allows athletes and sportsmen to train and exercise over a third longer than usual.In fact, the researchers found that just one cup of coffee could be all it takes to instigate the advantages.
Researchers are working to understand the potential advantage of decaf versus regular coffee and how weight control is involved.It has been found that one cup of coffee could help you burn more fat during your workout. This is great news for all those people who are looking to lose extra weight.It has been discovered that even a small quantity of caffeine allowed athletes to exercise almost a third longer, so coffee has been shown to trigger these beneficial effects.
The Australian Institute of Sport:
The Australian Institute of Sport, working with researchers found that caffeine can instigate the muscles to start using fat as an energy source rather than carbohydrate sugars. This has proven quite radical and is a variation on how the body usually uses up the fuel.This also gives an example of why people have trouble losing stubborn body fat - because the body usually burns carbs first before fat storage.
Athletes who use Coffee:
Caffeine has been used by many endurance athletes as a way of getting extra energy out of their bodys reserves during an event and doing much better than previously. This is a well-known fact and perfectly legal. It does not have any ill effects on the athletes either, making it a far superior choice to other alternatives.Researchers tested the effects of coffee on cyclists, who were allowed to sip on flat cola or coffee as they pedalled.Those who did were able to keep going longer than those who stuck to water.
The key is that you must combine exercise and coffee drinking. The coffee wont work alone, but it will give you extra endurance and the ability to burn fat instead of carbs.Taking caffeine prior to exercise will help anyone who wants to burn more fat, regardless of their status in sports or fitness terms. Other studies also suggest the beneficial effects of caffeine during exercise, delaying the onset of fatigue by up to 60%.
Coffee as a health food?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tips to Saving on Health Insurance

Buying insurance isn't like shopping for groceries. Health plans don't come with one-size-fits-all price tags. Your monthly insurance bill, called a premium, will depend on a variety of factors, including your health.
The good news is that there things you can start doing now that will lower your health insurance costs in the long term.
Lower Your Premiums With Smart Health Choices - Insurance companies look at a variety of factors when they decide what to charge you for a policy. This includes you medical history, your lifestyle, and sometimes even where you live. But the biggest factor and the one that you usually have the most control over is your personal health.
Here are a few things you can do to live healthier and save money on your monthly insurance bill.
Eat right. Yes, everyone loves a good cheeseburger with fries. But eating a balanced diet lowers your risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, and even some kinds of cancers. Cut out as much junk food as you can. Eat fruits and vegetables often. And enjoy red meat in moderation.
Exercise. It doesn't matter if you run, walk, lift weights, or do yoga. Being physically active will improve your well-being and overall health. Many health insurance plans include discounts on health club memberships so it's even easier to stay active.
Quit Smoking. Chances are, you fit into one of three categories: you never started, you've already quit, or you're sick of hearing about it. If you're still smoking, give it up. It isn't easy, but it can be done. If you can be tobacco-free for 12 months, most insurance policies will cut you a break on premiums.
Increase Your Deductible. Statistic show the lower your deductible, the more likely you will put in a claim with the health insurance company. The health insurance companies know this and will compensate by drastically increasing the premium on low deductible plans. To save the most and get the lowest health insurance quotes, ask that your deductible to be $1,000 or higher.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Keeping Fit for Sex

Keep yourself Fit......Fit.....Fit!!! Wondering why I am asking you to keep fit? So, that you enjoy a good sexual life. Let me share this news with you; researchers have found that men with waistlines of 42 inches were twice as likely to have erectile dysfunction (ED) as men with 32-inch waistlines.
Let us find out why overweight people are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. It is because erectile function is related directly to nervous system and blood flow. With increased weight, a man develops susceptibility to other diseases like stroke, heart disease, diabetes, different types of cancer, osteoarthritis, gout, gallbladder and sleep apnoea.
Certain lifestyle factors may hinder blood flow to the genital area along with some of the diseases mentioned above like factors leading to atherosclerosis or arterial hardening caused by the buildup of fatty substances or factors that impede blood flow to the heart. Normally, fat men are lethargic to physical activities, they get tired very soon. This leads to a reduction in sexual desire as well as their ability to have pleasurable sex, which needs a lot of physical movement and requires a flexible and energetic body.
Now that you have more reasons to keep yourself fit, let us know the small lifestyle changes that would help you to burn calories and make you active so that you can enjoy your sexual life.
o Exercise at least thrice in a week and make sure to complete ½ hour, doing any exercise you feel comfortable with.
o Plan your day to remain active, include outdoor activities like playing your favorite game, prefer walking to the short distances, play with your kids, swim, go for hiking etc.
o Avoid eating fried foods and junk food. Prefer fresh vegetables and fruits and home-made food.
o Drink a lot of water through out the day.
o Be positive and change your attitude towards life. Love yourself and try to enjoy good health and great body. Look after yourself.
These are the simple life style changes that can make huge positive impact in your life. The following tips would help you to maintain your weight, at least you will not gain extra pound. You will also keep the possibilities of weight generated diseases away; if you already have diabetes and hypertension etc. you will be able to control them. After practicing these simple lifestyle changes, if you feel good, you can join weight loss and management clubs for further improvement of your figure and overall health. When you are healthy and fit, you will enjoy the real pleasure of sex. Try it to believe it!

Monday, September 24, 2012

5 Ways For Men Over 40 to Immediately Begin to Get Fit

Increasingly men over forty are becoming concerned about their health, overall well-being and longevity. Awareness of heart disease and concern about our physique and appearance peaks our curiosity as to how we might actively begin to change and become fit. Fortunately, we can begin to take steps immediately to look the way we desire and feel healthy as we engage in a regular fitness regimen.
Regardless of your current physical condition there are several important considerations to your overall holistic approach to good health and becoming physically fit.Take some time to think through what you really want. Do you want a six pack to impress the woman of your dreams or do you want to actively pursue a healthy lifestyle in your diet and physical exercise program in order to combat poor health.
Obesity is rampant in our culture and needless to say a killer. Poor habits produce an undesirable lifestyle that affects not only how we feel about ourself at the deepest levels but also how we appear to those we desire to be in relationship with. The good news is that all this can change and as it does it will ultimately increase our level of self-confidence and overall physical and psychological health.
1. Diet - This may take some time to adjust but well worth it. There are many interesting findings due to recent scientific research about diets that will prove valuable to your goals and reaching the results you desire. Read some books, get informed and take action.
2. Rest - A good nights sleep that is deep and fulfilling is a great commodity to me personally. When I sleep well I am energized for the day ahead and psychologically I am at my peak. Don't underestimate this as somehow insignificant to good health.
3. Choose a fitness program - Fitness programs can be a great guide and provide us with structure that enables us to exercise in a holistic approach empowering us to reach our goals for our body. You don't have to join a gym to have a great fitness program.
4. Determine your goals - Goal setting and achievement should be included in your daily approach to fitness. Make them written, measurable and clear. When you accomplish one or more of your goals celebrate it as a victory. This will empower you to set increasingly higher goals and keep you forward looking.
5. Never Give Up - If you have tried a fitness regimen in the past but stopped at some point you might be tempted to have a defeat mindset and wonder if you end up the same as before. Take courage and begin to take the position of never giving up. I mean never, never, never giving up.
It might be helpful to enlist a friend to join you in your fitness routine or even simply to talk to you about how well you are accomplishing your goals. Another perspective from a supportive friend can be very encouraging and lead to greater determination thereby strengthening your resolve.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Change Your Fitness Regimes Or Fitness Can Fade Fast

Most of us accept the idea that there will be a decline in our fitness regimes as we get older, now research that's been widely reported has found precisely when that drop off speeds up - at age 45. The good news is that healthy habits can hold off the decline, which means that keeping your weight under control, exercising regularly, and not smoking are simple, natural behaviors to slow the inevitable.
Living a healthy lifestyle has proven, yet again, to be of value when it comes to living longer and healthier. But you have to work for it, not just once in a while but all the time, every day.
Of course as the population ages and the numbers carrying too much weight continue to rise, this latest work on cardiorespiratory fitness may well change the way experts think about aging and fitness. We also know that despite the well-publicized health risks, almost 43.4 million U.S. adults smoke cigarettes.
The subjects in this most recent work included 3,429 women and 16,889 men from as young as 20 to as old as 96 who took part in the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study and completed from 2 to 33 health exams from 1974 to 2006.
The lifestyle variables used were body mass index, and subjects' reports of their aerobic exercise and smoking behavior. Cardiorespiratory fitness was assessed using a maximal Balke treadmill exercise test.
The reductions in cardiorespiratory fitness didn't appear in a straight line, but rather after the age of 45 the slope got much steeper.
Increases in body mass index, less physical activity and smoking accelerated the downward trend. Poor cardiorespiratory fitness is tied to an increased risk of early death, just as improvement is related to lessening the risk of early death from all causes.
The take home message is this - if you want to stay fit and healthy after 45, you need to keep your BMI on the low side, be physically active on a regular basis and do not smoke.
"We've known that, as you age, your aerobic capacity goes down, and the exercise physiology literature indicates it's a linear relationship. We found that this is not the case," explains study author Andrew Jackson, who is professor emeritus of health and human performance at the University of Houston.
"It makes sense to me. When things aren't working right, we tend to go down at faster rates. This was true for both men and women [although the rate of decline was faster for men than for women]."
What this means is that taking care of yourself could make you younger than your years. Living a healthy lifestyle in your 30's and 40's, and sticking with it, gives you higher aerobic capacity as you age.
This is believed to be able to turn back the clock in terms of the age you might have expected health problems to come on - improved fitness holding off troublesome diseases into your 70's, 80's, perhaps even the 90's.
Exercise is the key according to Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, director of women and heart disease for Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City (also a spokesperson for the American Heart Association).
A study by both the American Heart Association and the Social Security Administration found the exercise keeps people younger biologically than they are chronologically. "Exercise is the most potent medication around, and the Social Security Administration agrees with me."

Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat Fast and Easy

"Frustrated With That Stubborn Belly Fat?"
Excess belly fat, more than any other excess body fat, has been linked to an alarming number of diseases. Most recently, it has been linked to decreased lung function, several cancers, stroke, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and other serious ailments.
No matter what you hear, there is no magic pill, diet or routine that will only zap belly fat. All fat loss occurs through our metabolism and depends on the amount of calories we consume versus what we use. The good news is that studies have shown that belly fat is the first fat to be targeted during weight loss. Due to the type of fat stored and the body's ability to burn this type of fat first, it is likely that you will burn a higher proportion of belly fat than fat from anywhere else. By joining a fitness center you will have the convenience you need to jump start your fat loss!
So what can you do to beat belly fat? Have a sound diet and fitness plan. Studies clearly show that a diet rich in whole grains (instead of refined white flour grains), five or more servings of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and low-fat dairy is better able to help the body burn stored fat. The replacement of whole grains for refined grains has been shown to boost the body's glucose response rate, making it a critical component of a dietary change. Look for packages that say 100% whole grain or 100% whole wheat. Always read the ingredients for these things. If it has white flour (bleached or unbleached refined flour) put it back!
You also need to incorporate activity into your life. One of the most proven ways to consistently do this is to join a health club, like a 24/7 fitness club. It takes 3500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat. You can create a fitness plan that aims to zap 1-2 pounds per week and increases your overall metabolic rate -- which will make your body burn more calories while you rest.
As usual, the best advice is to combine diet and exercise to take the pounds off at a healthful rate. Changing habits will sustain a long-term weight loss, and prevent the dreaded yo-yo effect.
In good health...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Emotional, and Physical Health During Job

As the economy continues its deep downward spiral our collective emotional stress level is spiraling upward, according to a Gallup-Healthways poll out this week. The report is believed to be the most extensive report to date on how the health of the economy impacts our emotional health. The report encompassed nearly all of last year, includes more than 350,000 participants, and is ongoing.
An article in USA Today provides a breakdown of the report, including how each state fared in the recent poll. The poor emotional health rating also translates to poorer mental and physical health. People suffering from stress are more likely to experience high blood pressure, sleep disorders, depression, and a number of other illnesses.
When money becomes an issue, people with ongoing physical, mental, and emotional issues often don't get the care that they need.
So, what can you do to nurture your mental, emotional, and physical health during your job search and tough economic times? Here are a few tips to get you started:
Nurture Your Mental Health During a Job Search
  • Limit your daily intake of bad news. Our moods are greatly affected by economic news. According to the survey, on days when bad economic news loomed - plunges in the Dow or the posting of high jobless claims - our emotional health took a beating. Stay informed, but don't gorge on bad news.
  • Focus on what you can control. Create a strategic plan for your job search. Focus your energy and efforts on improving your job skills and your search strategies. Establish a daily and weekly routine. Establish concrete goals.
  • Continue learning. Read for pleasure, education, and self-improvement. Learn a new skill. Update current skills. Become an expert on topics related to your industry or passion.

Nurture Your Emotional Health During Your Job Search
  • Have realistic expectations. Realize that a job search can easily last from 3 months to a year in this market. Work and hope for the best, but understand that a lengthy search may be in store.
  • Spend time with family and friends. Don't isolate yourself from friends and family. Our connection with others is important to our overall emotional well-being. Use the additional time available during periods of unemployment to reach out and connect with others more often.
  • Pursue a hobby. Recharge your emotional batteries by taking time off from your job hunt to pursue activities you enjoy. Taking a break to enjoy a hobby provides a respite from the intensity of your job search.
  • Improve the lives of others through volunteering. Volunteering offers innumerable benefits. In addition to the social good we can accomplish by volunteering, research

Monday, August 27, 2012

Reliable Information Answers Men's Sexual Health Questions

As adolescents, boys get their information about sexuality and men's sexual health from their peers. As teens, locker room talk may titillate, but it provides little in the way of accurate information about men's health issues. Unfortunately, while adult women are likely to seek out information from professionals, men are more reticent to discuss questions about men's sexual health and men's health news in general with their doctors or other professionals. When compared to women, they're also less likely to discuss their concerns with other men. As a result, men are often left to wonder about issues that are common to many men, particularly questions about men's sexual health.
Luckily, with the explosion of the Internet, a wealth of information has become available that answers men's questions - anonymously. While there are certainly many bogus sites with misinformation, discerning men are able to find reputable websites that discuss men's issues or that include a men's health forum.
Men's sexual health questions cover a wide range of topics. For example, condoms are widely (and correctly) seen as both a contraceptive and a way of protecting against sexually transmitted diseases. Nonetheless, many men opt not to use condoms. In a men's health forum, men can get the facts and news about condoms, while also discussing risks, tips, and personal experiences.
Another men's sexual health topic often covered by a men's health forum is erectile dysfunction. Despite pharmaceutical advances over the past decade, many men find it embarrassing to discuss this topic with friends or even their physicians. By visiting a reputable online information source, men can find answers to the questions and alleviate their concerns, as well as discovering options for correcting the problem.
Other men's questions revolve around more general issues, such as how to improve the libido. A forum can address both underlying medical causes, as well as identify lifestyle issues that could impact desire, such as fitness, dieting, and weight management.
Some men's sexual health questions are very specific. For example, men's health issues might include abnormal urethra development, the inability to retract the foreskin, Peyronie's disease, venous leakage, and so forth. Obtaining reliable information online will often encourage men to take the next step and seek care from their medical professionals. Being able to identify and intelligently discuss a problem increases men's comfort levels in discussing men's health issues with doctors.
Needless to say, sexually transmitted diseases should be a centerpiece of all discussions about men's sexual health. There is so much misinformation and sheer ignorance about STDs that men must be able to anonymously access accurate information about HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, herpes, and syphilis.
A cornerstone of men's sexual health - and the ability to fully enjoy a sexual relationship - is accurate information. An online men's health forum is an excellent way to answer men's questions and concerns, and when necessary, urge them to seek medical attention.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Keeping Your Immune System Up and Staying Physically Fit

Education about your immune system, and staying physically fit will keep you strong enough to avoid becoming weak if you were to get ill. Health education is not like graduating high school, we never stop learning. We must stay informed on any new health remedies and new outbreaks that we may need to be aware of. Keep an open mind and always stay tapped into the knowledge.
Being a creature of this blue-green earth, we all have some commonality with each other. We have natural tendencies to being self-centered and selfish, at the same time we want to be liked by everyone. There comes a time when we need to have empathy with our fellow human friends.
Sharing the knowledge that we learn about health and pass it on to others so they have the same opportunity to stay as healthy as they can. There are a few things in life that are very important to our well-being. Our natural immune system, which is the core of our health, and our attitude and the way we look at the world around us.
The daily news and the global media seem to have evolved into one melting pot these days. The world as we know it seems to be having its share of problems. With global warming and weather that is out of character for the seasons, has everyone wondering how are things going to turn out.
Well there are only a few areas in our lives that we have any control over and that is our attitude and our health. The way we look at the different scenarios around us is like a half cup of water. It can be half full or half empty depending on how you see it. Keeping yourself healthy starts with you by educating yourself and staying as healthy as you can be. Enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle by eating right and maintaining a routine fitness program that you can live with.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Is Everything Bad For You?

Everything is bad for you; that is what they keep reporting on the news and in the magazines. Anything related to your health is constantly on the battle field. A food has its fifteen minutes of fame as a power food and moments later is in the spotlight as a danger to your health. Fish was considered a healthy choice that is rich in omega-3, but then came the fear of mercury poisoning. There is always something. Even with workouts the same crisis is happening. Weights and cardio make their appearances in all sorts of styles. Some say it is the only way to get fit, others debate it will put too much strain on your joints. Then there are those who work out in 110 degrees rooms.
None of these trends ever seem to be convenient to the average lifestyle- they all talk about sacrificing the things you like, finding strange foods you may not even be able to pronounce or identify, and going out of your way to go to a gym or spending a fortune to fill up your house with crazy gadgets you'll never use.
There is a pattern here, too, and it is that the things being reported as good or bad for you are constantly changing. It's no wonder people don't stick to diet or exercise plans. There is so much worry and stress involved. Is the workout or diet you chose the right one- is it going to last. That we may never know.
But did you know there is one thing that is good for you- has always been good for you, and isn't about to go away for as long as you are alive? It doesn't have the stress or worry revolved around the diet and exercise trends- this is one you can trust because you know it well. And guess what else- it is convenient. This is one thing you can incorporate into your schedule no matter what is happening. And you can confidently know this is good for you without a doubt in your mind. This is something you can focus on- it's breathing.
Breathing is so powerful and good for you that it directly leads to a healthy lifestyle. It keeps you alive. But much like anything else- most people aren't going all the way with it- they aren't breathing all the way. At least 90% of people are breathing wrong- they are not taking complete proper breaths. Discovering how to take proper breaths alone will result in proper digestion, weight loss, eliminating stress, and improving your sleep. Breathing correctly is something you can do and not worry about the trends.
The best thing about it is that there are also breathing techniques that can be performed as exercise- yes, breathing is the oldest form of exercise, and these simple techniques only take minutes to do. When breathing correctly is incorporated into your life, the foods and workouts you chose are able to reap the benefits even better. This is because breathing correctly makes your body start functioning properly. Of all the toxins your body releases, only 30% are intended to be expelled through the digestive system. The remaining 70% of the toxins and junk inside our bodies are designed to be released through the lungs. Because most people don't breathe correctly- taking complete full breaths, those toxins build up causing all sorts of complications.
There is a misconception that a full breath involves an excessive and giant inhale- this is wrong. And a big reason why not only are most people keeping their toxins inside their body, but also are starving their cells at the same time. Breathing correctly will change your life and improve your health through any trend or crisis. And the best part is that once you discover breathing properly- you can finally feel confident about doing something for your health and keep at it without ever inconveniencing yourself. Now that is a healthy lifestyle anyone can feel proud of.
So the next time you think about improving your health, think about something you can focus on- breathing.
Now you can begin a healthy lifestyle with the Secrets of Better Breathing DVD- and for a limited time also receive a FREE bonus DVD, Breathing for Better Sex.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Fitness in Your Busy Life

Nowadays, people are always busy with their jobs, their families and other responsibilities. Finding the time to integrate more physical activities into the daily routine has become quite a challenge. This poses a serious health problem to many because the lack of exercise can actually lead to very serious medical consequences. Squeezing in more fitness in your busy schedule is really not that hard, and you can start doing it by making minor adjustment to your lifestyle.
Small Sure Steps Can Help You Get Started
There is a popular fitness myth that you need to keep exercising for at least 30 minutes at a time before you can enjoy the health benefits of your exercise routine. However, it has recently been discovered that dividing a long workout session into several smaller routines will give you the same results.
This is good news especially for people who are only just starting to get out of the couch and have never had an hour of real exercise before. Ideally, you can start by doing three 10-minute mini-workouts scattered throughout the day. If you are able to do this without exerting much effort, your body is telling you that you can handle more, in which case you can either add a couple more workouts to your day, or perhaps increase the duration of each session.
Buy Some Exercise Equipment for Motivation
For most people, having their own exercise tools encourages them to be more determined in working towards their fitness goals. Depending on your objectives and your commitment to having a healthier body and a better lifestyle, there are several kinds of exercise equipment you can use. The bigger and more sophisticated machines will naturally be more expensive, but you don't have to buy these complex equipments right away.
For novice exercisers, starting with a small resistance band is good enough. These small gadgets are actually quite handy because you can even bring them with you when you go to work and use during your lunch break. They are also quite versatile because you can use them to work out various parts of the body. To top it all off, these resistance bands are very inexpensive. For less than $20, you can buy a set of 5 good quality bands you can use as an all in one exercise equipment.
Another small purchase you might want to make is a dumbbell set. These are great for upper body workouts and are very instrumental in building chest muscle and toning down flabby arms. Rubber exercise mats are also good investments in improving your exercise habits.
You can keep one set of exercise equipment in your home and another in your office. This way, you will have access to your workout tools no matter where you are. It will also be easier for you to incorporate some exercise routines every time you have some free time in between meetings or other tasks.
Make Your Physical Well-Being a Top Priority
In the hectic society we are in, most people's priorities revolve around work and family. More often than not, individuals don't place too much importance to their health. However, there have been some positive changes in the last few years because people now seem to be more conscious of the kinds of food they are putting into their mouths.
While eating healthy foods is definitely a good thing, it is far from enough. You should still start getting more fitness in your schedule if you truly want to achieve an ideal level of fitness and physical well-being. You may feel strong and fit today but without sufficient exercise, your body will eventually deteriorate and give for not exercising enough is that they simply don't have the time to do it. The truth is, it onlyou will find yourself experiencing symptoms of various diseases soon.The most common excuse people y takes a bit of time management skills to be able to free up even 15 minutes daily to dedicate to your regular workout. To inspire you further towards getting more fitness in your schedule, you can invite your spouse or a friend to join you in whatever fitness program you are planning to participate in.